Best 15 Foods to burn your far fast!
The 15 Best Fat-Burning Foods 1 Walnuts All nuts do contain some amount of the omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid, but most only contain trace amounts. The real fat hero in most nuts is mono-unsaturated fats. Walnuts are actually a rich source of omega-3s. One ounce provides almost 3g of alpha-linolenic acid. 2 Ginger Used for centuries to help relieve digestive upset/disturbances, ginger can also help reduce inflammation, boost blood flow to muscles and aid muscle recovery. It has also has been shown to boost calorie burn when eaten. 3 Oatmeal This very slow-digesting carb keeps blood sugar and insulin levels low, so fat burning can stay high. In fact, research has shown that athletes who consume slow-digesting carbs in the morning burn more fat throughout the entire day and during workouts than those consuming fast-digesting carbs. 4 Avocado The mono-unsaturated fats found in avocados are burned readily for fuel during exercise and actually encourage ...